Repost: You’re all just jealous

186  2019-04-28 by Snake_____86


This is a damn good one.

This was the first of my many penis sketches here.

Your talent for drawing awful dicks truly is boundless.

Thank you for your service

Anthony’s fat neck is low key gem of this one. Big Missy’s split balls are merely a distraction.

He looks so cozy in there

This is peak Muscles Marinara.

You're the carafaggio of this sub.

gio of this

Marcel dufag

I call it: “The Destroyer”

Anth looks so comfy

I'd let Missy fuck me. Not that I'd have much say in the matter.

I think she's too buff to have children

Did you start with the dick and fill in everything around it or was it the natural conclusion to your inspiration?

This showed you on popular, maybe mark it nsfw?

Why would it be NSFW?

he dick out

Would you snap the cock off of Michaelangelo's David? This isn't sexual, this is art you fucking heathen.

I would get in trouble for staring at David's cock in sheer amazment, so I would say the same applies here

They way you've pinched her mouth is magnificent.

On God, we deadass live in a society where great artists are banished to the recesses of obscurity

Dicks out for harambe

Haha. Holy shit.