Blessed evening, friends and fellow disciples of Jesus Christ. Allow me to cleanse your evening with this wholesome display of the Lord’s creations. 🥰

19  2019-04-28 by timallenonacid


Those are stuffed animals though. :(

they are a grand display of our Father’s capabilities. Allow the Lord to pump his love inside of you and for it to flow through your body uninterrupted and free from shame.

Nothing better than having love pumped inside of you. Amen.

I love animals 🦒 🦔 🦓

There is no white or brown Llama for we are all one in Jesus Christ. Amen.

In all serious. Let's go to church tomorrow and atone for our sins.

I’m already scheduled to perform my favourite hymn with the local choir at tomorrow’s Mass. 🥰

🎶sometimes I cry, I DON'T MIND, as long as I can feel your hand in mine🎶

These stuffed animals are a blessing. They provide comfort for crying children as spaghetti gently slides down the wall.