I overheard my mom and dad talking today.

26  2019-04-27 by Officer_McGrady

And mom apparently thinks I’m incredibly smart but refuse to apply myself, my father says the same and that I’m lazy when it comes to life goals.

Also, they both think I have high functioning autism...

24 and living with my dad by the way.


Treasure this time with dad.

I see a bright future ahead of you

Always room to move up at Panera!

If it helps, you're posts are great. Don't know how you can market those skills.

Sounds legit. Who do you want us to attack.

Any black will do

Depends, does this guy know dick about the internet?

Hey champ, do you take girls home to your dads place when hes sleeping, and make out on the couch, but then your dad walks in and cucks you out.

You have to then hear your dad fuck that girl while you cry sitting in the empty bathtub.

Then the next morning at breakfast your dad tells you that you dodged a bullet because she was a whore and a dud fuck.

Does that happen, huh?

Keep going

I ran outta steam

Your parents are perceptive. You should have 3 kids by now.

And a big gay beard and belong to a "men's drinking club".

Next time you shower with your dad, get down and measure how fat his cock is


Ask him what his life goals were at 24. Then ask his brothers and sisters if it's true; you'll soon see he's full of shit.

Two questions. 1. Have you ever stolen a vape pen? 2. Did you recently suicide bomb a popular subreddit like a petty faggot?

Did you get diddled when you were a kid?

Why else would he be posting here?

Should have been a Vos plug

Well, do you agree with mother and father?

How do you fuck women from your parents

Your parents are on speaking terms? Gay!


Show them all the time and effort you’ve put into torturing some old faggots who used to do a radio show 20 years ago. That’ll change their tune.

It’s ok, bro. I’m almost positive I’m mildly retarded and still managed to blunder my way to success. It’s built on a house of cards that could collapse at any given moment. But not bad for an idiot.

You left out the part where they said you're gay

That shouldn't concern you at 24.

Show us your cock and we'll make a fair judgment.

Well, which is it? Don’t keep us in suspense.

Is your mom hot?

“Bear with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.”

– Colossians 3:13

Although your parents fear your feeble mind will not prosper, they do so out of love. Although your parents speak privately of your disabilities, they do so out of care. Always remember that you are the fruit of their loins, Family is Love and Love is God. You must honour thy Family and thank our blessed Lord every day that He has bestowed such Love, and therefore Himself, into your daily life. Also get a job and stop being a layabout. Amen. 🙏🏻

incredibly smart compared to whom you humble braggard faggot

Well, /u/mintwa can't. So count your blessing you live-at-home loser.

Well, /u/mintwa can't. So count your blessing you live-at-home loser.

All dumb people with shit grades love to talk about how incredibly smart they are but don’t apply themselves.