I feel like u/SpaceEdge got off too easy

43  2019-04-27 by JoeCoonia

Why are you fags still after that Fatrick guy? We should be using our nuclear autism on u/SpaceEdge. It can't be too hard since another homosexual doxxed him.


All he had to take was modding that sub and we took it.

What else is left? Got a plan to straighten his eyes and steal back all the stuff he shoplifter?

I'd like to see a lot more SpaceEdge artwork & the current stuff should be added to the sidebar for permanency sake.

Him going to jail for stealing a $30 vaporizer and having to face debilitating withdrawals while getting his shit pushed in by large black gentlemen would tickle my fancy.

Leave it alone

How do you figure? SpaceEdge hit the nuke button not understanding the rules of Mutually Assured Destruction. He lost whatever power and clout he thought he had. Even Nerdist kicked him to the curb. He’s fucking finished and will probably OD any day now

I really hope he kills himself.

I feel like that as well. What monumental douche. I’d like to press charges for the stolen vape pen

Don't you worry. I've got people in NY calling Apple stores in fuck eye's area asking about any theft problems. And if so, the authorities will be pointed his way.

Look at his fat retarded body, hasn't our good lord punished him enough?

We should go to his house and give him the Private Pyle soap treatment.

I think its fine. Fucking look at him. He clearly leads a very miserable existence. How could anyobody love him? Joy boy gets his kicks from being a mod. Its all he ever had. And now all he's left with is rolls of fat, a lazy eye, a crippling drug addiction and a criminal record. He already knows that suicide is the only option.

He's a private citizen. Little harder to do this type of thing to also what can we take from a single junkie bum? Losing the last shred of power he had was the victory.

Spacefag is either committing suicide or turning his life around. I doubt he has the intestinal fortitude to make a positive change so I’m betting on the needle.