
1  2019-04-27 by SirSodomy


Did any of you watch him on JRE? It seems like the perfect hate-watch but it seems like no one watched it

I saw a 20 minute clip where they talked about trans which was pretty funny -- 20 minutes was way too much he's insufferable. Rogan was actually getting kind of fed up with him. It's pretty funny if you can handle his effeminate voice, his stupid fucking valley girl expressions and his general point of view.

Yeah, back when his show came out, it had an interesting premise but even then, before I ever realized what a “soy boy” was and how he’s just another effeminate ultra liberal city boy, I disliked him enough that I didn’t watch it.

I’ll probably watch the tranny thing but I wonder if there’s enough gems to justify the 3 hour watch time

i didnt watch it but ive seen fags talk about it, let me sum up the trans thing so you dont waste your time

Rogan: Everything proves that biological men-turned-women will dominate woman sports

Fag: im no expert but i disagree

“I don’t know what I’m talking about but here’s my opinion.”

I watched the entire thing. It drove me crazy at first, but after I saw the comment section, I just sat back and enjoyed watching this guy make a complete ass of himself. He's the exact type of person I can't stand, and to see him drown in his own bullshit was beyond pleasurable. Highly recommend. Oh yeah, and I kept imagining it was Fatrick sitting there spewing his sjw diarrhea, and that's an added comedic plus.

He stumbles over his words and says ‘um’ and ‘ehh’ between thoughts more than Bobo when he is intoxicated

I’m going to have to respectfully disagree sir

Ok I’m 3 minutes into the tranny clip and I’m already extremely uncomfortable watching this buffoon trying to come up with a response to Joe’s facts

Don’t know if I can make it 3 hours into this

He's not an expert on heterosexuality.

110% how fat Pat sees himself.


I thought this was that other closet fag from England, James Corden?