Did any of y’all play the new mortal kombat game ? I don’t like fighting games anymore but I watched all the cutscenes for the story mode on YouTube. It’s pretty dumb, but I’ve been following the series since I was a kid. So I had to check it out.

0  2019-04-27 by MrHooHooHooligans



I got it, played for ten mins . Real world shit got in the way.

I've enjoyed the rebooted games, I enjoy the story quite a bit.

I won’t ruin anything for you, but I don’t know. I just don’t really like the inconsistencies in the story as autistic as that sounds. I can see why you like it. It breathes new life into the franchise.

Did you play mortal kombat shaolin Monks?

There are plot holes you can drive a truck through. I still enjoy it, always have. They did a novel when I was a kid that I thought was great. I think it came out I. 95, or 96.

I loved Shaolin monks , I wonder why they never made another. Good game, played well, and you can is the same engine to tell endless stories .

They had plans for a sequel specifically for sub zero and Scorpion but I think the studio making it closed down. This was before they got with WB

Hey thanks for letting us know.


No, but I bounced off your sisters ass like an accordion