Once the alien had the trust of a child, the alien would walk with the boy until they were tired and vulnerable, which then made them easy to handle. First, their hands were bound. Then, the alien would remove all their clothes, and proceed to torture, rape, and sometimes decapitate them. Usually the boy would endure prolonged rape and torture by having his buttocks stabbed and sharpened objects inserted into his anus; his testicles were often severed and placed into his mouth. The bodies of the children were all found completely naked, and all bore bite marks and signs of anal penetration; bottles of lubricant were found near the bodies, along with empty beer bottles.”
1 clotinmybrain 2019-04-27
Nice catch. There always was something a little Aryan about Fatrick. I mean besides his ultra white supremacist views.
1 unwashedfezballs 2019-04-27
He got a women to narrate the book. What a fag
1 InnocentChrisKuhn 2019-04-27
who goes by the name of alySSa
1 Phantas_Magorical 2019-04-27
Doesn't even try to fucking hide it anymore, what a heeb hating fuck
1 senselessdegenerate 2019-04-27
Apparently this is an excerpt from the book.
What the fuck Patrick?
1 patricktomlinson 2019-04-27
I noticed you mentioned children. Know where to find any?
Number of leads I have for purchasing a child: 46
1 senselessdegenerate 2019-04-27
How many leads do you need? Sick fuck.
1 SandyKanesHemorrhoid 2019-04-27
Good bot
1 B0tRank 2019-04-27
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1 rahtin 2019-04-27
"Children of the Divide" is clearly a reference to child sodomy.
1 ShutYourCakeHorn 2019-04-27
He can't keep getting away with this!