
40  2019-04-27 by joecumialikestofelch


"These poor libtard fools think I have a full head of beautiful Guy Fieri hair"

He would have had Fieri’s show. But they were looking for someone who wasn’t a godlike stature of 6’1.

That and ofcourse, the schedules clashed. He had to film the show from 8am and had a child spit fuck session at 9am.

Children? Don't mind if I do!

Number of times I've been reminded how much I love children: 30

Good bot

There's certainly no scheduling conflict with getting his daughter to school at that hour

Flavor town is joe tasting the cum of a latino with a spicy diet.

I want to step on that stupid hair visor

It’s so bad.

guy on the right looks like a rat

I get Bryan Singer vibes from him. Probably Jewish.

He's so desperate to prove to us that he's not really a loser with his gay cosplay play band that he's starting to say how much he makes. Fucking idiot. Your band is shitty.

He really tries to drop facts like anyone here gives a shit about him or his shitty life

60 year old man with 2 pierced ears and a mickey mouse t shirt who calls the crypt keeper he's shackled himself to his "girlfriend". Complete fucking faggot. Who, lest we forget, went out of his way to get shitted on every day for over two weeks

He's back for more now, 3 days after he announced he wasn't ever coming back. Fucking attention-seeking teenage girl-brained, prancing faggot.

He can't get enough of us. It's to the point where it's annoying because he's being passively retarded instead of actively retarded