We are not an alt-right sub.

85  2019-04-27 by PsychopathyRed

We may not exactly be antifa either, but we are good God-fearing Christian boys and girls who accept people of all walks of life - blacks, Jews, homosexuals, you name it - and we fight against injustice. We are the true Social Justice Warriors because we smear the names of unrepentant con men, pedophiles, domestic abusers and spousal murderers.

Spread the word. We DO NOT TOLERATE white men who think it's okay to beat a woman for her political beliefs. We DO NOT TOLERATE white men who are deadbeats and refuse to see their children and pay child support.

I am personally outraged that another sub would mislabel us as alt-right Nazis when we are the opposite of that. This is slander!


What sub is slandering us?

I think he was just being what we call facetious

Some faggot sub full of niggers and mentally ill trannies that Fatty was made fun of on.

That could be any reddit sub. Which one.

I think it was fuckthealtright or some gay shit. Someone posted pat’s off color standup shot there and then a bunch of speds from here flooded the comments. The real fags that frequent that place are now convinced we are harrassing Patrick on behalf of trump. With all the people in the world that have said shit about trump, no idea why they’d think we’d focus on this fat nobody.

Something like that yeah.

would asking for a link be greedy?

Everytime another sub is linked here, it gives the Admins the green light to stick their noses in. Figure it out for yourself, retard. Google isn't that difficult.

Google isn't that difficult.

but I'm a...


People been downvoting you (not me), but I think you're actually right on this one. You came in a little bit hot tho'... eh,big fella??

Sometimes you've got to throw caution to the wind and stick your dick through the glory hole.

I wish St. Brenton waited for a reddit meetup to take place.


Some anti alt-right sub that defended Patdick

Imagine being part of an anti alt-right sub. There are no words for that.

So what you're saying is, they're alt-right adjacent?

i dislike india and pakistan.

I'm just as liberal as Patrick, I'm just not a sniveling faggot about it.

Do you even like drump

How was Endgame?

Hear hear!

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It's a goddamned joy to see this new bot compared to the other joint.

Old Bot! Same as the new bot! Just like the bot of yesterday!!!

This subs just sensible which means it's mainly non-political and includes everyone from people on the left to Nazis like myself and we all get along. Isn't that what we're all aiming for, folks?

Absolutely, brothaman

I like to think of this place as somewhere for people who love comedy, which is to say, someone trying to make others laugh, especially in a standup environment Anyone who genuinely works at trying to get a laugh from someone else, even if they fail, that's comedy. I might not always like it, but I have respect for it.

I also think this is a place for those who hate people like Patrick Tomlinson's definition of 'comedy', which is to say, standing in front of a microphone lisping CNN headlines mixed with drag queen words and acting like they're better than everyone simply because they exist.

I would say it's not a political place, but telling an unfunny person that they aren't funny is a political statement now.

He thinks his comedy is some kind of educational, tour de force holding truth to power. Fuck that's gay.

It's really irritating, especially since everyone I see in comedy doing the "truth to power" shtick has the most acceptable fucking opinions on earth. The only way they could get "cancelled" is if they raped children and even then it's not a sure thing.

The world could learn from this sub, autism and free speech have healed all the wounds here. Just a bunch of diverse faggots having a good time together.

Hear, hear!

148 Brothagang

Isn't it fucking pathetic? When the sub got overrun with genuine white supremacists for awhile, they were constantly mocked and lambasted.

I think we generally just don't have a problem treating people we dislike or disagree with as human beings.

There's an underlying respect on the sub, we don't coddle and baby each other, we don't hide behind soft language to try to elevate ourselves above whoever we're trying to confront. Every post is an attempt to entertain and engage each other without deviousness. I think it's an incredibly rare thing. I see it as an extension of the IDW, with a de-emphasis on the I. It's social anarchy, and that's why everyone reacts so harshly to anyone who tries to stand out as an individual, or demand their feelings or reputation be taken into account.

It's Project Mayhem with no goals and no leadership.

Well put.


I accept everyone for being the faggots they are and hate them all equally. Except Fatrick, he’s a special case of hate. Fuck that guy with a rake handle.


Why the handle?

Why not?

Because the other end would hurt more

he'd enjoy that


ya no thanks.

Psst... shut uuuuup

Chappofag please go.

No, my sweet child.

Oooh a fellow fan of children. Can I get your email?

Number of pen pals I've met on reddit: 29

Good bot

Is there even a difference? Having your baby dick sucked by a mohel makes you a faggot in the eyes of our Lord.

This is the shit we're talking about. This isn't funny or trying to be funny in any way. No one gives a fuck about you or what you think about a group of people. Either try to be funny or find a fucking hobby.

You really are either retarded or this ain't your show. Back to reddit cumboi™

You've been on reddit for 5 years. Blow me.

before the jacuzzi?


And maybe kiss you😵🔭🐨👹


We're a cross between r/incels and r/autism.

I'd bet we have a lower rate of virginity than most of the other subreddits.

I'm actually a Communist.

I mean yeah genuinely anyone is welcome on here, same as the old sub. I know some of you are genuinely racist but that's kind of the point. Left, right, racist, gay, black, whatever. Nobody really cares because that's not what it's about. I'm sure quite a lot of the people on here are Jewish and probably scroll past comments about "evil kikes" without thinking too much of it because in the grand scheme of things it doesn't fucking matter. Everybody needing to be surrounded by people that agree with them on everything is part of what's ruining reddit, twitter, facebook, youtube, and eventually probably society.

There are very few places left where people of all creeds and colours can come together and talk about how disgusting Anthony Cumia's face is. That's something that's really been missing from life since the elections. I'm glad we can do it here.

Did someone say "grand scheme"?

> accept people of all walks of life - blacks, Jews, homosexuals


no chinks though, ok?

They're not people!

No chinks

There's like one here nguyen or whatever his vietcong name is. He's a good eggroll though.

Speak for yourself. I recite the 45 Words while giving a roman salute to the American flag every morning and at night I play drinking games and strip down and wrestle with a bunch of fake Catholics. Jealous of a real man?

Leftists have a bizarre inability to be able to understand other perspectives. They can’t understand that some people can throw around the words “faggot” and “nigger” as part of a joke while actually, truly, holding no racist or homophobic views or feelings. They can’t understand how I might support the right of trannies to live however they want while also recognizing that since reproduction is the only reason there are males and females, that’s how you define male and female, not how someone feels. It’s like they’re all on the Aspberger’s spectrum. So they just throw names like alt-right, incel, and nazi out there anytime they encounter something they don’t understand - nevermind the fact that many of us are either liberal or at least liberal on issues like race and abortion, which is the exact opposite of the alt-right.

And they - and especially Patso - see everything this sub has done to him and are COMPLETELY unable to grasp that it’s simply entertaining. I laughed my ass off at those bots on his IG page and at his name being written on that sidewalk thing in Milwaukee. It’s like a bunch of high school kids tormenting the substitute. Sure it’s immature, but they think we pose some kind of danger to minorities or Patrick’s safety. They cannot understand that it’s just funny. Patso might even read this very comment and still not understand this because he has only very rudimentary mental abilities.

Well said

Well put. There's a really good psychologist called Jonathan Haidt. He's done a lot of work on understanding what you described -- namely how people on the left have trouble understanding the other side. You might enjoy his work.

Well then. I’ll check it out.

There's stereotypes about other races and ethnic groups that are true and really annoying. This is a place that, among other things, you can gather to complain about them. It doesn't mean you advocate violence against them, or want them eradicated from the planet. You used to be able to do that in stand up or other comedy outlets, but that's mostly long gone.

When I'm unmuted over there i am going to send that dyke commie cunt of a mod a DM explaining that were not bad guys.

Everyone here is a homosexual.

The sub has been very tolerant. They even let Brits post here.

All you have to be is:

1: Funny

2: Not a faggot

That’s it. There are people here that are faggots, but at least they’re self aware and funny. And there are people here that may not be that funny, but it doesn’t seem like they’re faggots, because they take they’re beatings when they’re not funny.

But no matter your ethnicity or gender or what have you: as long as you’re not both those things at the same time, you can be here.

Also: No SpaceEdges or Joe Cumias.

It pisses me off that the alt-right fags came here and acted like we've been down with it the entire time, when in reality they're here because every cesspool-like message board they were previously on got sick of their one-note bullshit. It's never anything funny or new or interesting with them. Fuck you faggots

It’s even more frustrating when you see alt-right retards being unfairly covered media. I find most of them to be dumb pussies, but I feel the urge to defend them because the left would be happy to ban all speech if it meant “defeating the Alt-right). The world is pretty gay right now. Pretty gay indeed.

  • We are the woooorld*

...we are the children

God-fearing Christian boys and girls who accept Jews

we smear the names of unrepentant con men, pedophiles, domestic abusers and spousal murderers.

Make up your mind.

Praise the alt right they are going to save our nation