Married. With child. Goes to movies alone. It’s atleast 100% certain she’s getting bulled.

12  2019-04-27 by DasterdlyDutch


This movie is Coachella for nerds and Wrestlemania is Woodstock for fags

All the excitement I seen from grown men over Disney movies has cemented my vote in 2020 for the candidate most likely to get us involved in nuclear war.

Accelerationism Now

Fucking retard

I hope his wife is getting ass fucked as he’s watching this horseshit

"C'mon, Jess! It's like Coachella for nerds! You gotta come with me!"

"I already told you, I don't give as shit about that childish crap. Why don't you stay home and help me teach our son his ABC's? He's falling behind in every area according to this website about child development I've been rea-"

"Okay, babe! Don't wait up!"

I noticed you mentioned children. PM if you want to talk about children.

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Lining this bit

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To be fair, he’s probably going with someone.

This isn’t a place of fairness, child.

I love how the pube-headed abomination who still plays with wrestling toys thinks he's so above the comic book movie nerds. I hope a fat slob dressed as Spider-Man smacks this little twat right in his steel-wool face.