Lol, sad and pathetic? Doesn’t he know I am alcoholic Panera employee ?

10  2019-04-27 by nana_is_hungry


Lol I was banned with the message ‘we don’t need manipulative alt-right scum bags, get out!’ I’m libertarian for Christ’s sake!

I'm surprised they didn't go all-in and call you a nazi.

reading those replies was so fucking funny

those people are fags

Wow the people hanging out there are faggots. I can't tell if they are just lying to themselves or they actually believe anyone who doesn't share their beliefs are alt-right, whatever the fuck label means.

Yeah, I love the alt-right claim. I may use the terms ‘negro’ and ‘faggot’ but for Christ’s sake I am a Jewish libertarian father whose married to a Latino broad. Not exactly a white supremacist. I just hate that child molester Patso.

I love children. I have a hard drive full of them.

Number of file-trade partners I've met on reddit: 10

Good bot

Patrick the gaslighting Slavemaster Tomlinson isn’t so tough when he can’t control the comments and delete them as he sees fit eh?