Fatrick small claims court

20  2019-04-26 by CoreyFeldog

Just reminding the good folk here that Fatrick was taken to small claims court because he couldn't pay his half of a $1200 rent.


That’s impossible, he made 6 figures last year alone!

6 figures

... that's just the self-declared amount that the IRS are using in their investigation

Yes. $4,847.65.

Apparently that was a rough year for the insurance industry.

We...are...rapists! Bum-ba-dum-bum-bum-bum-bum

I had the money, children. But my roommate had a red Badgers hat and I don't cooperate with nazis.

I noticed you mentioned children. PM if you want to talk about children.

Number of fellow child-enthusiasts I've met on reddit: 4

Good bot!

Good bot

Oh child the claim was dismissed on a technicality. Hush now little one.