Reminder: Joe Cumia is a very brave boy.

36  2019-04-26 by CowEyedDolt


Bovine lummox

Never forget when this image and corresponding words made it on The Chive regarding ‘47 images of badasses’ or something

Ol' 400 FICO score Joe is so badass that doesn't have health insurance.

His credit is so bad when you swipe his card it instructs you to laugh at him (and keep him out of spitting distance of children)

Even if you didn't have insurance at least put things on a credit card with some kind of reward system and pay it off right away. Only people that are terrible with money would brag about paying cash.

He pays CASH, because he is hiding his income from the government. He needs to be investigated for tax fraud.

This is accurate. He's receiving an allowance from Ant and you know that shit is in cash under the table.

That's an IQ in the 95% if I had to guess

Microwaved David Cross

Points at 82nd Stillborne hat

Who are all of these adult men with insurance who break into cold sweats and tears that he's imagining?

I almost wish I could understand what's going on in that brain of his.

I don’t pay cash at the dentist, wtf? Rofl!

And I don’t have INSURANCE!

Afterwards, because he was such a good patient he got to choose any toy from this?

Everything is expensive when you're a deadbeat.

Paying cash with no insurance....

What a low class wop

*Ant pays cash

Is he bragging that he's not scared of the dentist?

It'd be nice if he died, I'll say that much

I mean what did this dunce really expect people to reply with?

"Oo mr Joe u so stwong man. U show does libtards . Me luv u long time"

Hahahahah, his fucking faggoty earrings. You're 60, you stunted guinea creep.