"...and RISE AGAIN!"

24  2019-04-26 by AnthonyGroomia


Are four sharpies enough for 295 signatures?

Number 44 in radio broadcasting?? HAHAHA HO-LEE SHIT. How are there even 43 other books about radio in existence?

Minimum $2950,00 in sales, his cut is even less. How he'll pay all those back taxes?

Pennies on the dollar my friend

Breaking that down into hours spent putting the material together, paying for 2 co-writers, and printing ( hard cover even), book signings 12 security guards. That has to be a huge negative return.

Somewhere an Ethiopian village is enjoying their Permanently Suspended toilet paper

His book will be a New York times best seller... After they grind all the unsold copies into pulp and recycle it into something readable

He probably paid the 3 guys who “wrote” the book more than he made from it.

Guess what everyone is getting for christmas again.