Morbidly Obese Child Predator Gives Own Book a 5-Star Review

48  2019-04-26 by Cornelius_Vajwort-II


"And it almost stayed locked away in my trunk forever, like the 7th or 8th underage female victim of my torture. Peace."

"By the time I am nearing the end of a story, the first part will have been reread and altered and corrected at least one hundred and fifty times. I am suspicious of both facility and speed. Good writing is essentially rewriting. I am positive of this." — Roald Dahl

seventh or eighth rewrite


Always a good look, stephen king and James Patterson are always amazon reviewing there own works. Doesn't seem pandering at all.

Fucking Charles Dickens didn't write seven drafts of his books.



He only likes Tor because it reminds him of the software he uses to download child porn

Link please.


This is seriously sad. What a sad sad fat man

Pathetic if true.

I wonder if I'll become this egotistical if I get a couple shitty books published that got a dozen or so readers each.

Titanic level of faggotry detected.

I have to go wipe the boy scout shit off my top lip. Peace. - Patrick S. Tomlinson