Patrick, this is something you need to understand.

213  2019-04-25 by CrackerGoodyear

When your sales stagnate and your publisher drops you and your wife leaves you and your last days are spent eking out a living with unpaid signings at Sci-Fi Cons in Motel 6 conference rooms and your body fails you from years of alcohol and food addiction and the highway overpass visible from your un-comped motel room calls out like an ancient siren for you to take the final plunge, please remember;

You can always fall back on the belief that none of your failures had anything to do with you being a shitty writer, husband or person.

You were never a weak willed narcissist who lacked social or dietary acumen to be a success.

Clearly, it was the incel nazi trolls - those "children" whom you detailed in your online essay - that sabotaged what should have been a brilliant life and career, one worthy of being carved into the annuls of history.

Now go get your fucking shine-box, you fat, tenth-rate Douglas Adams wanna-be faggot.


those are a lot of words, pal. sounds like pats living rent free in your head

nice try, my sweet summer child

Time for your hourly "Opie likes poopies" post isn't it?

I fucking hate reddit "characters".

Here though it's different, we have legitimate heels. They're needed to keep the crowd invested in any outcome of this sub.


Like fatricks cock docks rent free in your asshole, child.

This is better than anything Fatrick has ever written.

"Anals" fixed it

Get outta my head, you.

Yeah, I guess we're all a little bit Patrick, aren't we?

He blames everything on "alt-right trolls" and "incel Nazis" and the O&A sub is more about fucking your life up doing fentanyl and shop lifting or fat bitches.

But wait, the difference is that people here are aware that they've screwed up and that's the real reason they hate Fat so much. They can recognize their old, fucked up self with such incredible 20-20 clarity, but for some reason, this incarnation of a total man-disaster can't even see it and doesn't realise why he is failing.

I guess we're all a little bit Patrick, aren't we?

I'm not, I'm not fat nor am I a child rapist.

I've never assaulted a woman.

Should also note - the only thing you are remotely talented out is pandering to SJWs.

Everything - every book copy sold, every positive review, every convention - it's all because you can present yourself as a woke visionary and people are stupid enough to believe it.

The second anyone, anyone who isn't effectively brainwashed into believing half of america is literally Nazis, peels back even one layer of your shit, they see just what a disappointment you are. Your writing sucks. Your standup sucks. Your arguing on the internet sucks. People on this sub, the evil alt-right nazi trolls, can be more a hundred times more clever when we casually shitpost.

When your sales stagnate

Were they ever good?

They must have been, he had 40k Twitter followers after all. Those are 4-Sharpie numbers if I ever saw them.

He is either a massive faggot who sucks at his chosen profession or we caused him to fail. Either way we get to laugh.

I wish I could see his hand movements and the faces he makes trying to hold everything back from responding to these posts. I bet he writes a lot of responses and then deletes them and just hits the "report" button in defeat.

He'll crack. Intellectually weak tubs of limp-dick lard who think their opinions are worthy of people's time always do.

Can’t wait for Joe to come back

I was hoping it would just say "You're fat."

Best part is by the time that happens we'll have forgotten all about him.

May the live long and prosper be with you.

::::::places pointer finger inside own ass hole::::::::


oh you boys just need to be nicer to patrick. how would you feel if you were fat, gay & retarded?

Cold, and in the ground.

Nice semicolon, stupid.

Again. When his wife leaves him again

I've fucking had it with trashing this loser. Just the same jokes recycled over and over. I predicted it would kill the sub and I was right. Now everyone doubled down on it. I'm fucking bored, dude.

Nice temper tantrum, stupid.

The new sub has passed you by.

Yup. I'm fine with that.



Okay terrific

Just the same jokes recycled over and over.

It's just boring. Why people are obsessing about him, I have no idea.
