An excerpt from 'Gay Bashers' by Paddock Z. Tumbersum

6  2019-04-25 by PsychopathyRed

"I just can't stand them, Todd."

"Stand who?"

"Women in MAGA hats, Todd." He replied. "Almost as bad as gay Republican niggers, if you ask me."

"Scott, you can't be serious!"

"I am fuckin' serious, you Jew-lovin' faggot!"

Scott then aggressively pulled my shirt over my head, pulled down my slacks and pulled out his space-penis. He slapped it onto my buttcheeks.

"Here come the space-aeroplane, child."

I felt the whimsically rhythmic slapping of his astro-testes on the back of my legs. Although my mind said 'no' my cumming probably meant 'yes!'.


Paddock Chubbersom

Paddock Chubbersom

We heard you

Damn I didnt see it dp'd