Important family heirloom that needs to be posted here...

145  2019-04-25 by El_Heato


Its better each time.

This is the one that started a new inside joke for us.

One day there will be like 3 different 18 pound, 1 by 2 foot coffee table books printed about our many adventures.

Will the coffee table book have little legs?

So that the coffee table book can become the coffee table!

It's fine with me but go ask your mother

Feed Nana!

I’ll never not upvote this.

Those are accurate drawings of sues square tits

Weird tits, hairy balls and butthole.

I'd wear this on a t-shirt. I'd never leave the house while wearing it or let anyone else see me wearing it but I'd still wear it.

So important that it's posted daily.

Ho ho ho never gets old fellas.. erugh.

The best piece of artwork I've seen on here and it belongs in a gallery.

This is probably the single most important artistic contribution in the entire O&A universe.



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Your family has a Picasso? Wow.

Belongs in the MOMA

Should be in a museum.