I feel like we should have a third backup sub ready to go.

27  2019-04-24 by RapistWithHIV

Who knows what scandals the 46 mods are hiding in their incestuous discussion logs.



He said backup.


Nobody's bothered to post anything in the official modchat yet. It's as barren and empty as an Anthony Cumia book signing.

It's as barren and empty as an Anthony Cumia book signing.


How much longer ya gonna have sand in your panties because I deleted your shitty "spaceedge's real name" thread? Stop playing the victim already.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You had a hissy fit yesterday in this thread


The big mean oppressive mod censored the poor victim's doxx joke. Now you're following me around to tell me how unfunny my jokes are.

How much longer? A few days? A week? I'm here to shitpost, not have internet feuds.

Following you around? Man, you really are on a power trip dude. I don't give a single shit about you, that was yesterday, I don't care anymore. I came in this thread to agree, saw a lame joke that happened to be yours, and did what I normally do. And now you just bitched about it, which makes you look like more of a fag. You've played this game before, don't be a SpaceEdge

Be more clever. Like this guy:


Same joke you tried to make, same punchline, but not outright doxxing.

Not lol I put his first name over here on the left and his last name over there on the right! Nobody can crack this complex puzzle except minds as bright as me.

Be more clever. Like this guy:


Same joke you tried to make, same punchline, but not outright doxxing.

Not lol I put his first name over here on the left and his last name over there on the right! Nobody can crack this complex puzzle except minds as bright as me.

Dude, are you trying to tell me how to be funny, and how to appeal to your sense of humor? This is fucking bizarre

Do I really need to explain the difference between "jokes that get the sub shut down" and "jokes that don't get the sub shut down"?

I'm not trying to control your humor mahnnnnnnn.

I'm not trying to control your humor mahnnnnnnn.

Another knee-slapper

TO THE ESCAPE PODS!!! (Grabs bottle of whiskey and Panera nametag)

OkaySeriouslyBro is so excited and happy to be a mod. Look how fucking gay he's acting.

This is a concern

Hey everyone, listen to the one day old account that has exclusively tried to spam Liz's real name and gets deleted by automod.

They're certainly trustworthy and not someone trying to get the sub shut down.

Hey everyone, listen to the one day old account that has exclusively tried to spam Liz's real name and gets deleted by automod.

They're certainly trustworthy and not someone trying to get the sub shut down.

Making you a mod was a mistake


I've always liked the cut of your gib but you're acting like a defensive faggot mod.

He's not going to listen dude, he's just like Joe

Hey fucking faggot cunt nigger, the only reason that even happened is because you were so fucking high off your very prestigious mod position and messaged me in the tone of a substitute teacher like "You'd better not do that, young man. Do you want a timeout?" (literally his exact words) You literally created your own problem. I guarantee within 2-3 months you won't be here.

Disown this mod faggot. He's the next SpaceEdge.

Are you really this thinskinned?

A mod told you not to post personal information - in a tone you were hurt by - so now you crusade to get revenge by signing up alt accounts so you can post Liz's full name. That will show me.

Christ dude, you get to call me a fucking faggot cunt nigger but it's unacceptable for me to use the wrong tone with addressing you, your highness? Fuck off.

It's literally just to fuck you with because you're such a nauseatingly gay faggot.

Ultimate power corrupts mannnnn

We do. It's called r/gaybros.

Could just go an invade r/spacedicks.

Oh wait, that sub is quarantined too.


I believe the seers have decried r/scorch, so it is written so it shall be