Fuck you and the horse you rode in on

17  2019-04-24 by JoeCumiasFryingPan


dont visit other reddits unless you're stalking someone fat and pompous like a normal person

I'd rather be right than be happy

"You ever fuck a horse, Joe Rogan?"

What is with kids these days thinking it’s so cool and hip to be depressed? LOL DAE DEPRESSION ANXIETY? Not even fucking Daria thought it was cool. Jane was a piece of ass, though.

I prefer YouTube comments to Reddit comments. I remember a vid where a dude beat a tranny half to death on a bus and all the Reddit comments were saying how horrible it was. YouTube comments were people making jokes about how the tranny fell down ass up, implying it was a natural response. Funny as fuck.

If anything the emotional messes are usually the most likely to be nasty, vindictive, stalkerish, doxxy and have nothing funny to show for it.