I just watched The Sound of Music

29  2019-04-24 by PsychopathyRed

so let's dispense with the notion that you have a better grasp or understanding of the term Nazi than I do, little one. I don't know the first thing about you, but my grandfather who I never got to meet fought in WWII and since then, I've been keenly reading the history books, cherry blossom.

I am the most well-read person I know when it comes to Nazis. You definitely cannot be more knowledgeable than I. I've heard of the Weimar Republic and I bet you haven't, poppadum baby. The (left wing) media certainly cannot be a bunch of liars who print bullshit because Trump is a Nazi who calls them liars and that's what the Nazis did, sexy child.


This had a lot of potential. Petered out.

I raped your father, vanilla biscuit.

He's right, bud. Workshop this and maybe have a dialogue.

My grandfather was in the SS. Let's dialogue.

Thank him for his service

Why didn't he catch those singing Austrian faggots?

He mentioned one of his other relatives worked on the A bomb. Perhaps a SS Nazi rocket scientist brought over after the war?

The next thing to happen of course is someone is going to do an Ancestry.com on Pat and prove the guy running around calling everyone Nazis is a direct descendant of an actual German Nazi.

He does love German sausage

And their beer as well.

Paperclip Patty

Bet he hasn't even been to a Holohoax museum (and there are many).