Ever wonder what Redditors look like?

70  2019-04-23 by Single_Action_Army


The baby is wondering why such a little dick came from a very big man

That woman is awful

Don't be a fucking sexist that men is clearly the worst he looks like a wrong turn extra

You're both right

Oh great Lady Di has reproduced again

Looks more like her successful niece.

They will have to burn the bed

Her fat pregnancy farts have started the embers.

I bet they looove superhero movies.

Hey Abe, what was it like to work with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in Joe Versus The Volcano?

Meg Ryan rebuffed my sexual advances. So she's a cunt. Tom was a coked out maniac at that time. Meg brought her stupid little poodle to the set and Tom acted like he loved it so she'd leave it alone with him. He always called it a little faggot and the one morning I saw him feed it the aluminum foil wrapper from his cheesesteak. It ate the whole thing. He's a good guy though. He pushed really hard to get me to play Lt. Dan in Forrest Gump but the producer, Wendy Finerman hated me because I may have called her a kike at a party once.

Your Hollywood tales are fascinating

Bonus Joe vs The Volcano trivia: Ossie Davis pulled a knife on me because I spraypainted "BLACK FAGGOT WHO CHEATS AT CARDS" on his car and Lloyd Bridges and I took it for a joyride a couple days later and Lloyd accidentally ran over a Hawaiian kid with it. We never even stopped. That still haunts me.

You're a Hollywood treasure. More please!

Nathan Lane got more pussy than anyone on the set. He's not actually gay and he has a super deep voice. He had a threesome with Amanda Plummer and some Hawaiian chick one night and it ended with Amanda and the Hawaiian girl getting in a fight and the Hawaiian girl got stabbed in the shoulder with a pencil.

And fucking.

Who gives a shit if you just had a baby, clean yourself up a little before you take a picture. Have some pride for God's sake

Look what we found when we were out sniffing for truffles

Poor kid probably got named Magneto or Gandalf or some shit

The kid has bottom-tier genetics and will grow up with two degenerate and child-minded parents. He was born into hell.

Imagine the smell in that house.

The kid with a full diaper will have the least foul smelling crotch

Fun fact: the word "crotch" absolutely disgusts me. Like more than any other word.

Brotherman has been a moderator for a few days now and already believes his opinion of a word is a “fun fact”

Where we at with the "coochie", GhostOfAbeVigoda?

The hunchback from 300 had a better future in store for him than that kid

God willing, they'll save that shit for his middle name. If not, hahaha.

Jesus Christ look at her resting blood pressure lying flat on her back. 104/97 I hope you enjoyed your preeclampsia you unhealthy Pig.

104 is her bpm

Doogie Howser over here.

Ugh my Cousin named his Kid Xavier

That poor kid doesn't have a shot at this life

Good, let's hope the doctors botch the circumcision so he won't having a shot at reproducing.

You think we're going to cut Han Solo's lightsaber? If the Sith Lord wanted us to have cut blasters he wouldn't use the force to put foreskin on us in the first place!

Fucking nerd

That’s the BIT you DOPE!

Lay off him, he's some kinda farner

Can't spell even with spell check faggot

You a fucking sensitive faggot

What are the odds they are going to understand not to feed your kid fast food and cheetoes? The kid has to suffer because these two genetic sewers HAD to reproduce.

I was wondering how long it was going to take for that picture to get here.

Were you

Read the comments on that thread. They all need to die painfully.

That poor summer child

This had to be one of the most unsettling cream pies in recent history. Gross

That poor fucking baby. That look will be on his face for the next 18 years.

until some poor school is bombed.

They will attend that kids high school graduation with oxygen tanks and wheelchairs.



lazy bitch couldn't be bothered to try to push that loser out

The world is becoming devastatingly overpopulated. It's going to lead to war, famine, the end of humanity, and the destruction of the planet. And for what? Because fucking ZEROS like this feel like they have to give their meaningless lives credibility by polluting the world with their pointless children. How is this a cause for celebration and upvotes? They look like ugly slobs and the kid is going to grow up to be a nobody. I hate people so much. I wish life was harder for them.

Nice self-loathing nihilism, stupid. Africa is the problem, not two frumpy whites reproducing below replacement levels.

You're both know-nothing faggots.

We should build a wall around Africa

Black people are glorified cavemen.


Poor lil mug had to be lock in a different room so the mother wouldn't eat it.

He had sex. Unlike the majority of this sub.

This guy gets laid regularly.

Even incels could score a woman like that. Problem is no one wants a woman like that. Only needy, desperate people that can't stand to be single settle for something like this.

That my friend, is very true.

We're all jealous.

I'm jealous I missed the live birth!

Hi ho!

birds of a feather flock together

big, hideous, hairy, birds.

Poor little guy, his first sensation in life is smelling that beard.

This is the man that calls you "incel"

I’ve had 2 kids and not once was I required to put a hair net on

& that’s why they’re autistic. nice job

All the comments going on about how great is beard is. It's an average, pube-looking numale beard.

Someone should photoshop his beard onto her

Nope they're both about what I pictured

She’s the kind of fat that having this baby should have killed her.

Nice 16 year-old girl septum piercing, stupid. I don't vote because their votes each count for as much as mine does. Also because no one's vote counts

That child should be sterilised at an early stage to avoid another generation of this nonsense

he looks like he thinks he knows everything there is to know about PC repair and its all self taught

good for them.

That's the most weight she's ever lost and will ever lose.

More depressingly the few good looking people reside in /r/childfree

Seems like a nice 1930’s Russian peasant couple.

How the fuck do u get a boner w that beast? Jesus christ.

How did you get a picture of me and my wife?

Fat headed mongoloids.

mommy is indistinguishable from the michelin man
