Holy fuck /r/standupshots is a fucking abortion

4  2019-04-23 by DeafandMutePenguin


I'm banned from there, dunno why.

... well, maybe I attributed some of my edgy material to some SJW hack, just for the loffs

Wow. I did not enjoy that. Nor did I need a thesis on the origins that painfully mundane quip.

On a real note though, as a comedian and a combat veteran, suicide is something I see WAAAAY too much of.

Make a slightly edgy joke about suicide, follow up with a paragraph of anti-suicide rhetoric wrapped up in humble bragging.

Fucking awful. I truly hope anyone who considers themselves a comedian swings for as long as possible from the shitty knot they tied.

The comment section.. Jesus fucking christ. What weak tits.

And these posts get 5000 upvoted and 37 comments 🙄