AMA Request: Fred From Brooklyn's Doctor

17  2019-04-23 by SpaceCaseBassFace


Can't wait until they dump that worthless faggot into the ground.

New name "fred buried in Brooklyn"

You don't think Nana would be a pallbearer at the funeral, Jim? HYEHYEHYEHYEH

Nice shit-blood, stupid.

All of this from an ingrown hair that got infected in this fat, sweaty, smelly fuck's disgusting armpit. Life is precious, so wash your bacteria filled fat rolls more often!

Wait this fat fuck is going to die from an ingrown hair in his armpit. That might be the most hilarious thing I've ever read on this sub.

Lol what the fuck. Nice body, stupid.

Septic shock is from leaving a tampon in too long.

I’m glad ESD ruined his Sunday.

I wish he was Fred with Leukemia.

Wear a mask when sweeping those chimneys, stupid.

Fred has actually never been a chimney sweep, he's just really devoted to keeping black face alive.

I hope it’s slow and he suffers and is aware the entire time