Anger issues, alcoholism, and sexual assaults don't mix in a polite society

34  2019-04-23 by SuperToes845


'Credibly' you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

What do you mean? He was “credibly” accused of being ElJefe in a well known Maryland area prep school gang rape cartel.

'Boofed' all up in that bitch like nobody's business.

This fat faggot doesn’t know the difference between ‘who’s’ and ‘whose’ so it’s unlikely he knows what most words mean.

He can spell Jim though.

Jokes on him if he’s never heard of Jirn Norton.

Yet Patrick will not mention the allegations from underage boys.

I always like the credibly accused part. "I've been accused, believe me, it just never panned out."

There's been similar 'credible' accusations that he's a pedophile around here. Somehow I doubt they can be proven but I guess we'll wait and see.

So he’s saying he has been accused of sexual assault...just not credibly. We need to find out who accused him #believeallwomen

Sadly, he killed the last 4.

That and, you know, law school and stuff.

You don't think his having strong political opinions are qualification enough??

He just believes everything he’s told to, like a good little boy. It’s fine though, people on the left don’t need to stick with their convictions. Today it’s “believe her“ and tomorrow it’s “but not if the accusation is against me or the people on my team.“ Their mental illness is transparent. Both sides are full of shit, but the left is way way worse. They’ve degenerated terribly in the last 10 years I don’t even recognize the Democrat party anymore. They lost me. People like this asshole part of their base. He has no critical thinking skills whatsoever and just gobbles up everything he’s told to.

Pat, if you're reading this, you should have written "who's" not "whose" there.

"Whose" is the possessive form of "who" - e.g. "Patrick Tomlinson is a professional writer whose wife left him for a man with an enormous penis."

"Who's" is the contracted form of "who is" or sometimes "who has" - e.g. "Who's Patrick Tomlinson? A professional writer who's also a fat faggot apparently."

Glad to help.

This low-T fruit has never experienced anger in his life.

Does he think they do criminal trials on the Supreme Court? How dumb is this bowl of tapioca?

The only "barfights" I can image Fatrick participating in are where he dumps his drink on someone and then waddles away before he gets knocked out.

Nice “whose” stupid.

Most true alcoholics aren't that flippant about their drinking.

This fat jackass is a fucking poser. He fancies himself a dark tortured drunk writer but he's just a fat slob who likes to consume.

He's a regular Charles Buttkowski.