Depressed coz no gf even though every gf Ive had have been literal nightmares

0  2019-04-23 by beigedocumentaryfan

Why do I never learn.

I just want a hot woman to care about me again. :( the hookers say they do but they lying, I just know it...


Find yourself a smart 6 stupid

Send some pm’s to Linzbella.

Are you a weirdo?

I’m not




We’re they nightmares? Careful, gang, this guy sounds like a real problem * blinkblinkblinkblink *

Do you spend a lot of time BROOding and getting DARK, man?

Why do you want a girlfriend? Why do you like human interaction? Sex is disgusting, overrated and women are unpleasant. We’re programmed to want what we don’t have, when you got a woman you wouldn’t want it. It’s better to just live quietly and take drugs in the basement. Nobody says anything when you don’t shower for a month, nobody nags when you eat nothing but McDonalds. You’re free to buy small animals from various pet stores and hurt them in the basement and nobody will know. It’s a life of freedom. Do the right thing. Rape and kill a woman.

Timmy and the Troothbombz.

I feel for ya, bro