Is it me or has this place become genuinely toxic?

8  2019-04-23 by just_a_mean_person

I'm not stick in the mud but think of the kids trapped at Joe's house that might accidentally read some of this filth over his shoulder!


Yeah we're the worst.

Stand with fucking a baby Ant!

He promotes family values.

Logan Lynn puts penis in his bodyholes.

Well yeah that’s the point of being gay

Joe Cumia posted midget porn on this sub on Easter morning. His daughter is also a frequent Compound party guest, as evidenced in many photos and videos. Poor, poor kid.

Yes and that's how it's supposed to be you ass tunneled faggot.

I personally think that Gypsies, Communists and Jews should be rounded up and put into camps.

What happens from there is not up to me, but I know of a creative use of a common de-lousing agent.

Nevermind, no one would ever do something like that.