REMINDER: If you change the Reddit to Ceddit in the web address of a sub, you can see deleted posts.

22  2019-04-22 by FedallahX

If you change the Reddit to Ceddit in the web address of a sub, you can see deleted posts. In other words, this sub would become:


Oh, and sort by New.


K... I see one deleted post in the last seven hours and it's a YouTube clip, not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for here.

Just a way to help you keep your head on a swivel, brotherman.

I just assumed we all knew about that already. Shit, I wouldn't know to hate Toolman's morbidly obese ass without it

That's very cool, Kanye. Thank you

I see the notation "THIS MAY NOT ACTUALLY BE REMOVED!!!" at the links. I go to this sub and yeah, some really aren't removed. What gives?

use removeddit to see user deleted posts, ceddit only shows banned/mod removed posts

Yes I am sir, we'll played.

you're a fag if you're reading this