
1  2019-04-22 by ShutYourCakeHorn

I am a Brothaman, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a Pest not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says u/SpaceEdge, 'It belongs to Patrick S. Tomlinson.' 'No!' says u/SpaceEdge, 'It belongs to Logan Lynn.' 'No!' says u/SpaceEdge, 'it belongs to Brother Joe.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... r/opienanthony, a subreddit where the artist would not fear the censor, where the shitposter would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, r/opienanthony can become your sub as well.