Fatrick will be doing a presentation about us at GenCon. Can't wait for the video. That fucker better bring some greatest hits as examples.

21  2019-04-22 by MonsignorScurrility


Okay, so who is Cat Rambo? She/he is obviously Fatrick's benefactor on all these panels and the one getting him booked here.

Can't see how we can let that stand.

So a middle aged, fat, ugly old woman with short purple hair.

Am I living in a parody?

Tomlinson's life is better than any parody.

Her and dorks like Patrick make up 90% of sci fi and fantasy authors these days.

And that's just going by sheer mass alone

To be fair, that's a pretty slick looking website.

She has a Wikipedia page. Hate for that to see some edits, particularly with her white nationalist/pederasty ties.

This isn't till august. If he is still on the program by then, we have failed as a sub.

I knew this sicko advocated for intergenerational relationships but I didn't know they had a whole conference for it.

Makes you wonder what kind of perverted crowd these sci-fi writers sre

I hope Fatrick is leading the panel for Witty or Shitty?

This irrelevant hack erases a lot of the fear and self doubt I have about sharing my writing publicly. If this literal idiot can do it, so can I.

He really should be an inspiration for anybody with an IQ above room temperature. This is a guy getting by on sheer ego and making a few connections.

The ego he and Logan Lynn have are truly astounding. They act like legitimate artists when they are, at best, only notable in extremely niche regional subcultures of their chosen profession.

They have to know they suck, though. I guess it's laudable for persistence, if nothing else?

The FBI are scrutinizing your docs frame by frame.

Just share. Even if 99 hate your work, there is always one who will love it. It's impossible to please everyone, so just take criticism with a thick skin and a grain of salt.

Will there be a teleprompter or will he read from a script? Now that I know his fake wife writes and approves everything he says or types, what happens if he goes off script?

I'm sure he'll keep it brief.

I picture him stepping onto the stage and pausing to take in applause that only he can hear.

He's going to open every panel with "You might know me for an abortion Tweet that went viral in 2017..."

I don't quite understand how he gets invited to anything, especially as a guest of honor type. I mean a signing, who in the world would want something signed by him? He has maybe 6 fans worldwide.

He pays thousands of dollars for the invites.

Where he gets his money from is beyond me. Imagine you're a hyphenate of author-comic-pundit and make absolutely zero money from any one them. He must be mooching more than 'born enemy' Joe.

That's what I'm saying though; how does he even survive? How does he afford the nutrients to survive when his book sold maybe 50 copies at $10.00 a pop. The new wife?

I'd like to point out that Keith Law is probably the biggest faggot in sports media and that's really saying something.

Fucking jock sniffers

I hope he shows off some of our Feed Nana photoshops.

The idea of him showing a room full of people dressed like elves and Wizards the artwork of FartPoop, I think I would ascend to Heaven immediately

Definitely a con

You can only imagine the amount of spin he is going to put on it. He going to milk the victim card all weekend.