Archive purposes: Worm pretending Nana is “still hilarious”

119  2019-04-22 by pashow84


Nice table miss, stupid

I don’t know if there’s anything in the world that could legitimately make me laugh like that at this point in life but it sure as fuck isn’t Tony Two Shirts.

You've never shout laughed like this?

Holy christ that thing is not human.

or like this?

I laughed till I cried last night at the Roe cock sucking pix.

He looks three foot tall in this, like his feet are 8 inches off the floor in a high chair.

8 inches is 20.32 cm

Fuck you, robot faggot.

Fucking limey

Someone post the clip of Worm pretending to get Norm’s jokes

The acting is so bad he sounds sarcastic

Ant must have just put on a silly wig and started doing baby noises.

Worm alien mimicking a human laughing

You can see him going through a mental checklist when reacting.

"ok lean back in the chair with head facing the ceiling"

"ok now I gotta grab my stomach because I'm laughing so hard"

Why hasn’t Jim’s acting career taken off?

Oh, that’s because he’s not good at it at all.

"Lifeless eyes like a doll's eyes"


i can't remember if i said it about sam but either way this fag dies before we do

just don't get pull a philly marma, stupid

I always remember to touch my ribs when I'm laughing that hard too

I've never met someone whose body movements alone offends me like Worm Norton.

Anybody know which of Nana's shows (and episode # & date) this is from? I need to see and hear what could have elicited this response.

The Gift of laughter. What a shitty gift

Overacting fruit.

Lmao so fucking fake


So tiny in that chair