when you've been acting like an intellectual tough guy for 40 years, and nobody takes you seriously

11  2019-04-22 by PsychopathyRed


Get in the van, man. Head cranks immediately

It must be exhausting to be such a douchebag

i tried to watch him on the hot chicken show yesterday and the opening shot was him getting spanked with a piece of wood and coyly giggling

poor old low-t toughguy

go be fat on someone else's time

I want women to work out like me, to be as smart as me... to be a gay man, basically.

ROLLINS used to be funny, but that's not the bit.

Yeah, HR is a class A fuckhole...thinks sooo much more highly of himself than others do...bro, you weren't that cool when you were cool. You damn sure aren't cool now...

You know he jerks off to shit he isn't proud of. Shit totally contradictory to his carefully (but ridiculous) fabricated, holier than thou image. Fuck this jealous, psuedo intellectual, out of touch fuck.