Old sub is unavailable??? What the fuck has happened?

0  2019-04-22 by this_light

The end is nigh, stupids


2 niggers stole it.

Do you believe that shit ??? ( runs to phone)

aye nigh. thats terrible. thats just awful.

whats weird is all the optimism lately. shitty attitude posts are way down, which also accounts for why overall postcount per thread is low.....

its been interesting.

i memorized the exact wording of my top five Mel Gibson posts

the rest is yesterday's papers

There’s something liberating about letting most of it vanish, right?

your history is only worth reliving if you are better now than you were then

my dick is .7 inches longer than it was last friday so fuck it

I delete my Reddit account every six months or so and it kinda does feel good starting over. I just miss old posts I've made or porn I've saved.

Yea, I miss all the beefer posts. I'm a truck driver, so I don't know how to find tits using google.

Die slow bitch