I highly doubt /u/SpaceEdge has ever even kissed a girl

3  2019-04-22 by TheWelfareMan


I kissed a girl once, i didn’t care for it.

It's all hype brotherman

Most women have sucked penises. Your lips are touching where another man’s penis has been, so really it’s basically a homosexual act to kiss them.

It is haram

Neck biting is better

What about hand biting? Or rib cracking?

Well, at least one over 18...

Do sisters count? I mean practice partners are hard to find amirite boys?

He fell in love with some five that showed him attention and wanted to be friends. Posted about her all the time in r/drunk. She rejected him. And he's been getting zooted and numbing the pain with Dunkin Donuts ever since.

Most of us get over the "OMG my soulmate said no how ever will I go on" dramatics in 7th, 8th grade. Maybe 10th, 11th, 12th if you're a late bloomer. If you hit 30 still stressing about the one who got away, ugh, you're not Ross and Rachel stupid.

Haha u/spaceedge is this true

I prefer the Sam and Diane, will they/won’t they, over Ross and Rachel.

why are you a mod? you post political shit all the time. not mod material

Whine more that you deserve to get your way because you say so.

it's not even really personal to me. on any reasonable level you're not mod material

You need to learn the difference between a mod downvoting you, or calling you a dumb fucking racist, versus using mod powers to silence or ban you.

Right now all you have to go on is "he's biased! Listen to me! I say so! Me me me me! Give me what I want!" like the self-involved baby you are.

But hey, maybe only post on r/The_Donald if you're obsessed with mod teams entirely composed of the alt-right?

you have no valid argument besides insults which highlights your emotional nature. you also display a manipulative tendency which i suspect will be used to justify yourself and your actions to mods in effort to persuade them. i hope the other mods pay attention to this guy now that i've sent hte message

Look I can make my username green isn't that fun?