Patrick is fired up for GenCon 2018

5  2019-04-21 by SomervilleDan


It's not like the Urakais at Helm's Deep at all. Saruman was sending his army to attack unner the banner of The White Hand in hoping to obtain The One Ring in an attempt to usurp Sauron and rule Middle Earth himself.

The Urakais didn't politely wait poorly dressed in an air conditioned stadium lobby until the doors were opened at a reasonably scheduled time.

This faggot doesn't understand anything.

You scare the bejesus out of me 😃. Every time.


It's Urak-Hai you cunt. It's Black Speech for "Orc-folk". You are embarrassing your fellow Tolkienites.

I didn't know we were using Edition #11 spelling rules in this plane. Thank you for the correction.

His eyes look like vaginas.

He looks like a naive pig spirit from a poorly drawn manga.

Still better writing than this pudgy pederast could ever muster.

May it end up like Jonestown.

6 comments yet I can only see mine. Why is Pat so afraid of a light ribbing?

He looks like a fat Filipino girl.

This is the perfect description