Repost because Bonnie stinks

71  2019-04-21 by Bakersfield__Chimp


vos repeating "mentally-handicapped" really irks me

Good on that Pat guy for not backing down. Vos is a bitch here.

I like Pat Dixon's dry as fuck delivery, imo his shoe was the only thing on compound worth torrenting until that MotherGoose dude got mad we were making fun of Nana and took all his shit down.

Fucking internet hissy fits ruin everything.

Definitely seems like not a faggot. I just don’t know much about him and haven’t listened to much of his stuff.

I used to listen to his free podcast. Very dry humor.

MotherGoose was still torrenting? God damn. He use to post the XM shows in like 2005.

Such dedication to mediocrity. Even Struff gave up after awhile.

The pr rattlesnake is very underrated in this vid. You can tell he's enjoying it a lot.

Bonnie McFartland

lol it"s always funny

vos is such a bitch at 48:00 holy shit

Rich Mcfarlane.

He has his own room in life

“Let’s go Rich.”

She never had to take a beating on O&A or she would have been storming off of every appearance. Still claims its harder to be a female comic though.

Wtf? All of our O&A heros let pussy ( Vos) or cock(Worm) turn into the Liberal cunts they used to trash.

Never underestimate the power of convention.

Why must every Cumpound host be full of so much estrogen?

Going by that logic no one should be allowed to ever bash Vos considering he is an actual spastic. Also Bonnie kills cats.

nice timestamp stupid.

It's funny cause her body language leading up to the incident was "Laaaiiiid back, one of the guys here."

Sure ya are, shrill hen.

Pat's fucking great.

so fucking aggravating and i'm only a couple of mins in, vos is being a complete phony fag and i expect it from bonnie since she sets fire to cats but what the fuck? it's annoying because he can and is funny but him fagging out like this is stupid

watched the full thing, luis was also a fag, reminded me of u/SpaceEdge , "hehe, y-you're both right!!" faggot, take a stance

i'm really annoyed with vos though, i liked him on the older o&a but he fagged out something awful, dixon wasn't really quick enough but he kept his shit together for the most part

All Rich is thinking "How do I not have to deal with this shit later"

so lesson learned, don't get with a comedienne (love how it's a different name for girls)

and if he just walked off that'd be relatively fine but he just fagged out for the rest of the show

oh i get it. vos has been doing this since the beginning. he'll say anything as long as it doesn't offend bonnie.

fair enough, i never noticed him being a fag on o&a though

only if it involved bonnie. i think for the most part she was left alone. she had no problems trashing him though

"Are you fucking dumb? You're dumb, right?"

Nice counter-argument, stupid.

She was talking about her sister.

he should've said "well I'm smarter than your fat tongued window lickin' sister with a Pete Rose bowl cut"

Pat got banned from venues over this horseshit. Hes an amazing comic and this retarded sisterhaving and cat murdering cunt is a piece of shit