Most enraging part of the SpaceEdge chat logs: "I promise not to retard out for like 6 months haha". Haha I might destroy years of history for no reason. I'm kinda random like that xD.

16  2019-04-20 by diddlybooba


Talking like he's the fucking general manager of an Arby's and we need to come up with an improvement plan to get Julio stacking the beef up to company standards and on recipe to corporate model.

I can’t return unless u/SpaceEdge aka u/OwenHartVsGravity steps down

He was trying to be funny in an uncomfortable situation.

He could have survived this if fuckin Spit drinker didn't dox the living fuck out of him.

Hey u/intiectualhomosexual while we still live and breath, technically you did shut the sub down. So your gay brother owes you $5000. Tell him to pay you in cash, I would never trust a check from anyone who has employed Kieth the cuck this long.

A Keith vs. Joe beef could be great

Joe knows shit and Keith is hiding demons as well. Considering they are both enormous piles of shit with awful backgrounds of pedophilia and corruption, no matter who comes out on top, we win.

Take a pic w/ the cash and post. Your kind seems to enjoy that.

holds up spork used for cooking heroin and eating at the same time

Maybe use a phrase other than "retard out" to describe your momentary lapse of reason if you want to sound professional or at least a normal human being?

"this is my statement"


He's like Saudi Arabia. Fat, inbred, incapable of receiving criticism, and desperately trying to destroy the history of the place they govern. Not to mention in bed with Israel.