Moderator of another o&a sub is very salty we didn't all sub there instead, removing all mentions of this sub

6  2019-04-20 by FrankWant


Reddit moderators are such faggots.

As are former o&a fans. The combination of the two seems to be very sensitive fat nerds.

For real man. I liked the show, but the nut huggers are the worst. The people that posted Beefers and Jim And Sam updates are the same people that worshipped Ant. And thought Jimmy was a comedic genius. They contributed absolutely nothing to the subreddit, and you can clearly tell they weren’t into any of the new content. Also, what a fucking retard that guy is. You will be heavily moderated! Come join our subreddit!!! What a worthless faggot.

Where were you during the great O&A sub wars of 2019? LOL fucking faggots