Lets make a game out of it since there are obviously way too many mods. Every few days we vote off a mod and then permaban them until we are down to 3.

6  2019-04-20 by assreaper


Yes, we got it the first time. Worked just fine as a comment.

I nominate assreaper as the first to be a mod

I don't want to be one. We give the mods a chance to bow out before to avoid the permaban. And maybe have some sub favorites added to the list if they want to risk it. Not a huge deal they will just have to make a new account.

Thread was deleted and numbnuts took nick of mod list. Just wanted to float the idea.

How 'bout gas all mods.

Nick should be an honorary mod with no powers

I’d like Luis J to be one too, but he’s not exactly a white man, and rules are rules.

I like Nick but those other two fucks ruin the show. Love Luis but he often admits he never listened to OnA or Stern so not really mod worthy.