Logan Lynn is bullying US! Some kind soul told him to ignore us, and leave us alone. He said it’s not his style. Classic bully behavior

41  2019-04-20 by LaLaLaLoey


It really is the only way to stop it. Dave smith handled his trashing the right way. He completely ignored it

Opie handled it the same way.

What else was he going to do? He’s precisely as boring and spoon fed as his name suggests.

Were better at his job than he is.

It stopped tho.

We're the real victims here!

Well technically he was the aggressor. As if any of us even knew who he was to trash him. The only reason he popped up on the radar is he started trashing us.


Pride cometh

As so many of his victims have learned the hard way; Logan considers silence to be consent.

Good logic faggot

If this lunatic had actually took the time to look into Opie’s then current relationship with the old sub he’d have seen he was sperging out for no reason. But then again he does rape the pets of his enemies so you got to think the fellow isn’t all there.

Nobody knows who this is.

This homosexual faggot is throwing more bundles of those wood faggots on our fire. Silly faggot just ignore it and we'll go away.

He’s starting to make Pat look good.