Lol. The little nerd thinks he "won". After the sub had pretty much moved on from him.

11  2019-04-20 by RoliMosimann


The guy has a PR team and he still winds up falling into the list of geniuses that think the way to beat legions of online trolls is to engage and antagonize them. The people in charge of his career need to take his Twitter away from him.

Faggot needs to learn how to take a loss and move on

He and Fatrick are a lot alike in that regard. Trying to use people fucking with them as some kind of currency to boost their career. It's a slap on the face to people who are actually bullied to have these wannabe celebrities try to claim a victim status that isn't theirs to take and make a buck off it.

logan lynn's claim to fame is being harassed online, that's it. the guy has 28.6k followers and gets an average of 4 likes and 1 comment per tweet, and no one tweets at him to tell him his music helped them through tough times or any other gay shit like that. he's likely fishing for negative attention, the only authentic engagement he's encountered online, so another tabloid can write an article in solidarity with him for when he conveniently forgets he can log off and walk away from the computer again. he'll never admit it, but he needs us more than we need him.

Clearly. He wasn't being pestered at all anymore, we had completely moved on, it was basically over. He obviously didn't want it to be over.