Logan Lynn is really cocky to think HE and he alone shut that old sub down.

33  2019-04-20 by LaLaLaLoey


The comedy just writes itself...

it annoys me that this faggot is claiming victory while the other fags done so much more to take the sub down.

"I'm certain that's why so many people have been sending me screenshots of I saw with my own two eyes—because I never stopped obsessively checking on the subreddit, even after all posts and comments at my expense had died down—all of you melting down because your content is gone."

The sub isn’t down, it’s just moved. He’s gonna be heartbroken when he figures it all out.

He knows. Obviously, this is where the "posts of people melting down" came from. He's knows exactly what happened, he's literally claiming a victory he knows isn't his so that he can say he took on online bullying and won. He's being deliberately deceptive to boost his career.

So many 6 likes 4 retweets.

And Logan has blocked my second account for simply liking a negative tweet 🤣🤣

These guys shouldn't internet.


He couldn't have had less to do with it.

Oh, Logan, why did you have to kick the hornet’s nest again?

Enjoy! is what he likes to yell out to children before anally violating them. Or so I’ve heard.