Looks like someone deleted their post history and no longer moderates r/Nerdist. Looks like someone got scared he'd be caught for stealing from multiple NY stores

76  2019-04-20 by Dom_Myers


He's like a cat burglar trying to glue the window back together so he can say "breaking and entering? that window is intact, sir."

The only time he will ever be compared to a slinky cat.

We have the all the receipts. /u/spaceedge youre fucked, child.

u/SpaceEdge, you know we archive everything incriminating in archive.is and the wayback machine, right?


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Was that really spaceedge stealing from the vape shop? I thought it was just another ugly fat dude and people are just having fun.


he was trying to claim it was another fatso with the same name in the same area but it was 100% him, I know a lot of people in that area, thats absolutely SpaceEdge

What an unbelievable shithead.

We know why he only took selfies, didn't want to show his fat body.

What county is he in

Does anyone know where this coward is currently hiding out? Has he gone MIA? I need updates on his complete breakdown.

I don't know, are opium dens still a thing?

Hopefully he overdosed and now lies in a ditch being devoured by maggots and ravens.

Someone keep an eye on the obituaries

Quoth the raven: blubber more

This just in: you WON’T find him at his local gym!

Just LMAO at anybody who moderates a subreddit let alone multiple subreddits.

I wanna see the boat movie

oi! u/spaceedge ! - open the old sub I wanna be nosey

How can one see what other subs he mods? Would be a shame if all the other mods in those subs saw that video and decided he shouldn’t be a mod any more