Capcom Presents...

293  2019-04-20 by Snake_____86


Joe,Bobo and Sue as background characters are perfect

Jim not paying attention is even better

Jim's rear skull bump is even betterest

"I didn't see it."

I heard about it but I didn’t watch it

I heard about the death match between my twenty year colleagues was great, I never saw it tho. Brb, gotta shit.

Kenny can you go fetch me some egg whites after youre done intimidating this intern on my behalf?

I'm surprised by two things:

1) you didn't make Ant as Balrog

2) you went with low hanging fruit making Opie Ken instead of SpaceEdge as E. Cigarette.

This is way before spaceedge was known to be a junkie and faggot.

Oh got it. Well I'd still like to see the artist's take on E. Cigarette.

Oro could become Jim pretty easily

Or perhaps E. Ganja.

E. Fondu

He should have put M in this as M. Bison

Stern is definitely M Bison

Fun fact you may know: before Street Fighter came to America, M. Bison was named Balrog (a.k.a. Mike Bison).


Kamehameha brothaman

That's Dragon Ball, retard.


Hadouken, dummy.

Blananaka wearing mommy's shoes is a nice touch

Blanka's story is perfect for Nana too. He was so poorly parented that he fell out of a plane as a child and landed in the jungle, and through the power of poor supervision and no role models, he became a monster.

I wish I could upvote this more than once.


I really hope Opie's seen this, I just know it would stroke his well deserved ego.

Just amazing.

I always think we're running out of steam and then someone else comes along and makes something beautiful.

Cyber-bullying has never been taken to this level.

This was maybe my favorite artwork. It still remember the fucking super laugh I got when first seeing it

so sick!

brother joe can be Fagat (of big apple rqnch fame)

Jim would be didntahlsim with long worm like appendages and all

Haha lol. Jesus. You guys are just great. Would it be BLANTA? With his Sue Lightening Fetal position move?


This is just sick

Of course, they both have a biting attack too

Good to see your work back up.

New golden era for this subreddit

Needs CQ as M.Bison

No, M should be M.Bison


We need the outcome/ending of the fight screen cap where Ant's face is all fucking trashed and the Opester is on cloud 9 with the countdown for more quarters.

<>AB is the "Cake-stomp"

He’s wearing Mommy’s shoes.

Jim looks like Beavis (not the cat, the MTV Beavis)