
334  2019-04-20 by ChanceArm


Immediate sidebar/sticky

lol he keeps a dildo next to his welfare check

A precaution so he always knows where it is.

what an amusing tableau!

Whoever drew this needs an award.

the more I stare at the pic, the funnier is gets

He used my quote! I said that he was gay, and he is

Also got me calling him a faggot in there!

Did u/SpaceEdge really delete his entire Reddit history? What a 13 year old girl.

Outstanding, sir.


The blowup sex doll of 🐜h is truly the best part

Also the most insulting part.

We need to get one made.

Bobo will probably try to use it

It will still try to fuck his sister

Remember the last guy that tried to make an anth mask

He succeeded afaik

I just keep laughing at a new thing each time I look.

His little Mod of the Year mug he bought himself

Holy fuck this is good

Pathetic, if true

"Ah geez. And you got the stink lines and everyhing..."

“Alright everybody tuck your pants into ya socks”

First the sub started falling over, then it fell over.

The cum tissues can made this picture a work of art hahaha

haha is that a tony two shirts blow up doll?

There are some truly talented artists over here. Always love all the details in these pictures.


I hope I never get on the wrong side of the brothermen. Jesus Christmas

Where is the Gen 3 x300?

Up his ass


Most junkies have this feeling like everyone hates them etc but in this case its actually true

I respect you not following your likely artistic sensibilities and writing "HEROIN" on every needle.

Its an homage to Ben Garrison.

Needs Kelly in the corner.

He’s like Maxwell with hair plugs.

Vape Ape

At the beginning I thought there where no vapes but then I saw them hahaha good job

This is absolutely fantastic work.

It is like a documentary - it's eerily accurate. Uncanny, really.


My inner OCD autist cannot agree that this belongs in a museum until that is corrected, good sir.

Every time I spell that word it's a tossup

I love that "boob" is up there next to "cunt."