20 years ago, Howard Stern covered the Columbine massacre in a way that even his own fans have since turned on him over.

7  2019-04-20 by onemancrimespree


The prank call to the news network during the live coverage was wonderful. Sam Hyde wishes he had Captain Janks.

"The gunman was Howard Stern, he was shooting up the whole school, it was ridiculous. He was angry because nobody was watching his Saturday night television show on CBS."

To this day that is my absolute favorite Captain Janks call.

Time stamp pls

This sub is severely lacking in beefer posts.


No offense to you’re stern thread. It’s wonderful and a video that I’ll be sure to check out one day. But I was just sitting here thinking of the good old days, and thinking about the old sub before a fatass e-juice thief with a lazy eye decided to open Panera’s box and ruin it all. I’m just thinking about all the beefer posts and how awesome they were. I just miss the beefer posts. Maybe this new sub can have beefer posts, hell maybe this new sub can start posting feet threads!

fat ass-e-juice thief

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Have you poisoned yourself with irony, sir? The smell of sarcasm is starting to hurt my nostrils.

I think I’m going a lil too hard. It’s damn near 5am here on the east coast and I’m like 5 nugget nectars deep. If I’m guilty of anything I’m guilty of bringing it too hard.

Yeah, to a pre-school. Contain yourself, sir!

Then take your shirt off and look in the mirror, fagboy

I’m over here talking about girls beefers and feet but IM the fag? Yeah okay bro, nice try, #thankyounext

Only super cringey weird cunts are into feet.

I’m fucking around dummy. Thought it was pretty obvious. Although I will say that I do unironically have a mild foot fetish, like I’m not going outta my way for the foot action but I enjoy seeing a lesbian or threesome porn wher wthe girls give some attention to eachotehrs toes. Now with that said, I’m clearly fucking around about basically everything I said. Despite my love for beefer posts for me to just randomly bring it up in a totally unrelated thread is just a joke. And to bring up feet in any capacity is just a joke cuz yes- foot fetish dudes are a special kind of weird and that’s why it’s funny, and for me to use a hashtag on reddit is silly but to use #thankyounext in here of all places is so ludicrous that it’s amazing I have to explain it right now. Cmon man this ain’t rocket science.

Just go on google and type “boobs” you moron

I like my beefers to come as a surprise. Plus I don’t want that generic google search shit. I want handpicked, unique, curated beefers from around the world.

Just hug already. I hope in your future endeavors you come across the beefers you are trying to embark on lad.

Cheers to you mate. I suspect that you’re British and it made me think of Elizabeth Hurley’s breast’s (and the rest of her body too). She’s arguably the hottest thing Britain’s ever blessed the world with

Just hug already, we are watching.