Beige or porsalin

9  2019-04-20 by CasperKuhn

This place is a never ending hole of entertainment, loneliness, sorrow, laughter and espionage but damn these past few days have brought great material for our documentarians. Who do you think will bring us the best representation of these historic days?


I think porsalin was compiling stuff for this. At least one is working on it.

Ken Burns is also working on one.

Porsalin and Ken Burns have the same hair

I'd like a documentary on that apostolic guy

The apostleipse is a good name for the whole situation.

Stomping on Space Eggs.


Beige> unfunny Nazi John Oliver

I’m with you. I like porsalins worm video but the other stuff while greatly edited couldn’t hold my attention. He seems way too pompous and I can’t really let go of all the faggy shit that went on with the alt accounts. Beige while probably a homo himself has great cadence better researched material.

Beige rules. Porsalin tries way too hard with the Oliver-esque insults that he shoehorns into his videos and I feel like maybe 1 out of every 50 are actually funny. The rest just suck and he gets too wordy with them. Plus something rubbed me the wrong way with that hour long Sam Hyde dick sucking he made.

He knows this and already got rid of most of that gimmick on the Tomlinson short doc. I expect him to deliver in a consistently high level again.

That’s a good sign but he’ll never touch Beige though. Beiges content is A+. Speaking of Beige, are you (or is anyone here) familiar with the dude from Barstool named Robbie Fox? He is 10000% what I picture Beige looking like

i like Beige's stuff more, but Porsalin has the added benefit of his speech patterns, with most of the US populace programmed by TV, movies and internet culture to subconciously defer to British accents.

Many Hollywood movies and video games feature ''sophisticated'', ''likable'' lead and side characters with Oxford English accents. It works at the subconcious level.

'the * stunt double'

Mr. Metokur instead, please. Jim is a fan of the show and is aware of Patso.

Jim'll just nuke his channel again when he throws a hissy fit like he's done in the past.

Actually, in that respect he'd be ideal for making a documentary about Spaceedge.

I like both, but the comic book strip guys are in a league of their own.

Only porsalin will do one. He's the needier one.

I hope they both make one.