If a woman who's married, and clearly knows you like her, says she'll drive over an hour away, taking time out of her truly busy schedule, to help you get your license, do you think it means anything?

4  2019-04-20 by HomeRunCumia_Deux

I'm just an anti social fucking moron, and i'm really looking for advice...

Sorry for being a faggot...


Whatre you 16 or an alcoholic?

Might as well be both.

Careful saying that. Patrick reads these subs. Might turn him on.

Jim Norton?

Don't get dark man

How old are you?

Mid 20s, but i'm an anti social dolt...

She use to be my boss at work, sometimes she'd put her arm around me and ask how i was doing...And she told me she loved me a few times, but i'm not sure if it was just kindness... I do know she and her husband don't always get a long...

She wants to fuck you.

She probably wants to fuck.

Probly you should go full incel creep and demand sex and when she rebukes your advances you should call her mean names and tell her you never liked her and was just trying to break up her marriage

She is either 1) a very nice person, in which case she wants you to actually have a license & wont break marriage vows or 2) she is a shit person and wants to cuckold her husband. My money is on 2... Jesus Christ himself wouldn’t want to go to the DMV for someone else

She thinks you're retarded and she's doing it as charity because it makes her feel like a good person.

Ok, well that's the end of that then.

This is the correct answer

She wants that DUI dick. Don't let her down pleighboi


I use to work with a guy named Leonard who called me that everyday.

Do you know what you're talking to, motherfucker? Leonard Washington.

"It smells like your lightsaber..."

It means it's time to shave your balls and tidy up your place

Dm me faggot I can talk you thru this


You could try to get some naked pictures of her and post them here so we can analyze this further.

This is solid advice right here. Now get that bra off and get those pictures.

Is she fat?

I wouldn't have posted this if she was fat.

This is a three prong question: Is this worth destroying their marriage? Will you even succeed well sexually in the bedroom? How long and thick is your cock?

Depends if you look like this: https://i.redd.it/e5wz6e029vs21.jpg