Confirmed: Anthony gave SpaceEdge an iPad to nuke the subreddit.

38  2019-04-19 by lolercakesmcgee

I have receipts.


He's also molesting him.

I figured it went without saying, vulgar.

Good point. Doesn't he get to collect the famous $5000 bounty? Thats a lotta h

You know i think you're probably the first person to make a post about that

Good point. There is no redundancy on this sub. My mistake for just reacting and not reading every post here. Can i ever make it up to you? Tell me we can still be friends.

Stop cryi ng


I hope he ods on fentanyl

You sure he didn’t steal it from the Apple store

And it had to be an iPad mini, because he has a whole supply readily available to hand out for adolescent girls.