Of course it is

8  2019-04-19 by crookedmile


I still assert that he deliberately acts like more of a junkie than he is to compensate for a lack of any interesting characteristics, and he probably think it makes him seem like a tragic figure.

You can't tell me that he being a poser is farfetched.

You can't tell me that he being a poser is farfetched.

You're not off-base. There's that way of talking that junkies do to show you just how hard they've gone with it, citing random shit about whatever pills they need to take to get a fix

Sounds like a hacky prop comic I know.

You’re thinking of one James Norton

Can't you just live as a heroin addict without having to consume art about heroin addicts?

If only every junkie good be like Charlie from Lost

Its because they all have this fantasy of being a stylish hedonistic artist, oscillating between kate moss and Toulouse lautrec, when in reality they are greasy gutter filth

r/opiates is the most pathetic sub on this entire site.

True story: One of the mods of that sub stole $200 from my brother at gunpoint.

One of the mods at r/Bladerunner raped my sister with a plunger
